Friday, January 9, 2009


Hello Praisers!! Christy here with some very exciting news. Valeri and I have decided that this blog is too much fun to just up and die, so we've decided to keep it going. I put the word out at DST and I now have a list of almost 20 designers who are willing to help sponsor us and award you ladies with prizes!!! So tell your friends, the more people we have come play with us -- the more praise and love you will receive.

I will be back later to announce the winner of the gift certificate to Flergs store, but in the mean time you gotta see her latest kit that she did with Kaye Winiecki of the Lily Pad. It is super cute!! And is available at both SBG and TLP!

Here is a page I did with it. :)

I am so excited!! Our next sponsor will be the fabulous Miss Mint (oh we will try and tell you ahead of time who are sponsors are from now too -- so tell your friends).


  1. I am super excited about continuing the blog! I really love what we've been doing here... and the highlight of my week is reading the comments after my post, and seeing how happy featuring the layouts make everyone! I love it and am sooooo very glad we are gonna keep it going!

  2. Congratulations on such a huge designer support :)

  3. Beautiful Kit! Happy to hear you'll be continuing the blog!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. So excited you're all sticking around! Hope Lori & Melissa will still be posting on Mr. Linky, too:) Congrats on getting such huge support from the designing community!

  5. Wonderful new kit, I'll definitely bookmark yall to visit again :) Great stuff here!!
