Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Featured Layouts - 10/29/08

Hi! Lori here. Thanks to everyone who stopped by for Melissa's first day as our blog author. I look forward to sharing this praise space with her. Mr. Linky faired better yesterday so I will feature a layout from there.

First up. Aquaruby shared
Jackson's Orchard
This layout contains so many important aspects of scrapping to me. The story, the pictures and the pretty design. I also enjoyed learning something new about Christy. I have been seeing her around the digital community for a little while now and I had no idea she homeschooled. Overall she just did an excellent job preserving her family trip to the orchard and I am confident she captured the moment well enough to keep it alive for years to come. Great job and thanks for sharing here.

Next up is Star74 with
Out of this world
What a creative and artistic layout. I really appreciate the shadowing she accomplished here. I myself have trouble with the dark background shadowing and she was able to really emphasize the shadows and make her elements pop right off the page. Excellent work girlie!
Ok thats it for today.
Make it a great day!
Thanks Lori!


  1. The ADORABLE 'out of this world' page reminds me of those shoe-box 3D projects you would have to make in elementary school.... I think they were called diaramas??? (or something close to that... LOL!) I really like the pop out effect!!! VERY COOL page!

  2. Those are stunning - great choices.

  3. Oh, ALL these are amazing. The 3D one is VERY neat - like a shadow box look. Great idea, I might try this sometimes.

    thanks so much for sharing.

    Visiting from the DST blogtrain!

  4. This is so cool..real 3D feeling :)
